Having flat feet, or fallen arches, is a condition in which you have no arch or a too-low arch on the inside of your feet. If you have this condition, the entire bottoms of your feet are touching the floor when you stand up.
This condition is common and doesn’t usually require treatment. However, you might need to see a podiatrist for flatfoot if you’re feeling immense or chronic foot pain that interferes with your life.
When to See a Podiatrist for Flatfoot
If you’re suffering from any of the symptoms listed below, consult with a foot doctor as soon as possible:
- One foot is impaired or in pain
- A sudden appearance of flat feet
- Your feet are in pain and/or numb
- You tend to get foot or ankle injuries easily
- Your child experiences foot pain
- Symptoms don’t improve even with support, such as shoe insoles
Treatments for Flat Feet
If you’re experiencing distress due to flat feet, your doctor might advise the following treatments:
- Arch supports or orthotic devices. Arch supports won’t heal flatfoot but may alleviate its symptoms. Your doctor may suggest custom-designed arch support following the forms of your feet.
- Supportive shoes. Your doctor will recommend wearing spacious, comfortable footwear with a low heel rather than sandals, boots, or tight shoes. A structurally supportive shoe can aid in the symptoms of flat feet.
- Foot stretches and exercises. People with flatfoot usually have shortened Achilles tendons in the lower-back leg. Exercising and stretching these tendons can help with the symptoms of flat feet.
- Physical therapy. In athletes or runners, flat feet may contribute to developing overuse injuries in the legs and feet. A video analysis that is conducted by a physical therapist can reveal your running habits insofar as technique, and this analysis can help the therapist show you how to improve your form.
Flat Feet Treatment in South Texas
Having flat feet is not a severe condition. However, it is vital to receive an accurate diagnosis if the symptoms hinder you from performing your regular activities and cause pain. Do not ignore the pain.
Our medical team here at The Podiatry Group of South Texas has the expertise and technology to diagnose and treat various foot and ankle conditions, including flatfoot. Our surgeons and physicians provide top-level podiatric healthcare throughout South Texas.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule a consultation with one of our podiatrists, you can reach us by contacting the location nearest you or by filling out our online appointment request form. We look forward to being your healthcare partner.