A bunion is a foot deformity that is characterized by a painful bump at the outer base of the big toe. Bunions are more common in women than in men, but there are several factors involved in the development of bunions.
Understanding these factors can help you prevent developing bunions, as you will know what can create a favorable environment in which they can form. Let’s talk about the typical causes of a bunion and who can help you if you are having foot pain.
Common Causes of Bunions
Some of the factors involved in the development of bunions are preventable, whereas others are not. They can include the following:
One factor that can make you susceptible to developing a bunion is heredity. If your parents or other blood-related relatives have bunions, then you are more likely to develop the condition due to an inherited foot shape and structure.
Bunions may also be related to other existing conditions such as metabolic, structural, or inflammatory disorders. For example, flat-footed persons are more likely to develop bunions. Rheumatoid arthritis is also linked to the occurrence of bunions. Similarly, weak connective tissues, a short Achilles tendon, or short calf muscles may also cause the development of bunions.
Ill-Fitting Shoes
The outer bump and redness which may indicate a bunion are often caused by wearing ill-fitting footwear. The concentration of pressure on one area of the foot, as well as repeated friction, can lead to the development of bunions.
Wearing tight or narrow shoes is also the reason why women tend to develop the condition more often than men. Talk to a podiatrist about finding footwear that will help alleviate the condition and prevent it from developing further.
Repetitive Activities and Stress
A person whose occupation requires standing or walking for many hours every day is at a high risk of acquiring a bunion. Some examples of these jobs are teachers, nurses, factory workers, and sales personnel. To reduce the risk, it is best to wear well-padded shoes with flat or low heels.
Women who are expecting a child may experience hormonal changes, and these will cause the loosening of ligaments and even the flattening of the feet. Therefore, pregnant women can become more susceptible to developing bunions. It is best to wear custom orthotics during pregnancy in order to help avoid getting a bunion.
Treating Bunions in South Texas
Bunions can bring discomfort and even extreme pain. If you have a bunion or a painful foot condition, it can be successfully treated by an experienced podiatrist.
Our medical team here at The Podiatry Group of South Texas is here for you. We treat everything from diabetic foot pain to sprained ankles, flatfoot, ingrown toenails, and heel pain. We can also help athletes maintain healthy feet and ankles while they prepare for and play their sport.
If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment, contact our location nearest you or fill out our appointment request form online now. We look forward to helping you enjoy walking without pain again!